Monday, June 3, 2013

Works Cited

Garner, Steve. "" Marine Animal Research & Conservation Service. West Indies Marine Animal Research and Conservation Service, Inc., n.d. Web. 3 Jun 2013. <>.

"Sea Turtles." Noaa Fisheries. N.p., 26 Mar 2013. Web. 3 Jun 2013. <>.

How To Help Save The Sea Turtles

         Although there are many organizations in the world to help endangered species, the most popular and well-known one is the World Wildlife Fund. This is an organization in which you may donate at minimum 9 dollars to help save the many endangered species. The main species on the list are pandas, tigers, elephants, gorillas, sea turtles, polar bears, rhinos and whales. When you send them a donation you could receive a free gift which gives you an informational brochure, a stuffed animal and a few other items. With your donation as well as the donations of many others, these animals can be helped and possibly saved.

How Sea Turtles Became Endangered

 Sea turtles are endangered for many reasons and almost all of these reasons are because of human activity. All of these reasons can be prevented but it will take a lot of time and effort to fix the population of the sea turtles. "Sea turtles are mainly endangered because the adults are taken for their meat, shells,to make jewelry and other products therefore decreasing the production of eggs and hatchlings." (Garner)This shows how sea turtles are endangered due to people finding it necessary to kill them for either food or unneeded items that could be retrieved elsewhere.

     In the chart above, that covers leatherback sea turtle nests from 1993 to 2011, their decline in nests is visible. The graph goes back and forth from increasing and decreasing, but for the last 7 years, their population has remained decreasing.
Garner later goes on to say, "They also were incidentally caught by fishermen by the thousands in Long-liners & shrimp trawlers. Also the turtles need celestial light and the buildings being built on the beach interfere with this lighting cycle, causing disorientation, leading to exhaustion and in some cases death for hatchlings and adult sea turtles." (Garner) This is also a human cause and since the buildings use artificial lighting, it confuses the sea turtles, causing them to not be allowed to experience their natural habitat in the ways necessary. Also, since they get caught in fishing nets, it causes them to drown and die because they cannot escape the nets.  
         Overall, sea turtles are endangered due to human activities. There are many organizations out there that are trying to save the sea turtles as well as many other endangered species. Some are lucky enough to be helped in a variety of ways but sadly the majority of these endangered species die off and are never seen again.

Information about Sea Turtles

Many creatures in the ocean have been around a very long time, but sea turtles have been around longer than dinosaurs have. Sea Turtles have been around for over 150 million years. They nest on the beach and live their lives mainly in the ocean. In our modern society, these sea turtles have now become endangered. Wimarcs states on their website, "All sea turtles in US water are endangered." ("Sea Turtles") This illustrates how there are no longer any sea turtles that are safe and they are dying off in large quantities. Although sea turtles have been around for a long time, they face many issues in their environment and they are almost all caused by humans.